California Legal Studies Journal

BLSA 2022.9

Berkeley Legal Studies Association is currently accepting submissions for The California Legal Studies Journal 2023. We are seeking papers pertaining to law and legal studies. However, neither you nor the class for which the paper was written must be from the Legal Studies department.

In November, we will publish the theme for Journal 2023. We will also update the submission guidelines in detail after we publish the theme. We encourage students from ALL disciplines to submit papers, as the study of law itself is an interdisciplinary effort.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submissions should be selected from your upper-division courses and seminars, independent studies, honor thesis, or elsewhere.
  • Papers must be a minimum of 5 pages and should follow the MLA style of formatting, with endnotes and a complete bibliography.
  • Please send your submissions to by March 1st.
  • In your email please also include
    • an abstract (minimum 100 words),
    • contact information,
    • advisor name (if applicable),
    • the term when the paper was written,
    • your graduation year,
    • and your program of study.

If you have any further questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us via our email: